Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Round 3

I am posting from room 1002a. We're in the bed by the door, just a sneeze away from the nurses station (into whose speaker wall all the pinging machines in all the rooms broadcast in chorus). We were in the bed by the window last time- this visit the window bed is occupied by a precocious 4-year old chemo patiet and her mother.

Millie is doing very well with this round (although most of the side effects will come once we get home) - she has kept her appetite, been a little less grumpy, and has played a few games in between the obsessive viewing of Looney Tunes DVDs (um, thanks, Chad). We've had no nausea!

She has also gotten comfortable being alone in the room, and feels free to dispatch me to acquire her craving du jour on nearby Piedmont Avenue. Today it was a burrito and raw carrots. Yesterday it was an enire cantelope. It is a nice break for me to go out walking, and to breathe fresh air. I may try to drop into yoga classes in future visits if this works out. (By "yoga classes", I most likely mean pedicure appointments).

Her highness is demanding a snuggle and movie with me- and so I sign off here.


  1. You are both lucky to have each other. Your smiles are inspiring. LB (the other LB)

  2. hi Laura, call me if you feel like talking and I will check up on you soon. thanks for writing these blogs...

  3. Can I come by sometime and visit during one of these long hospital stays? Not sure what the protocol is or what's allowed, but I'd like to watch a movie with Millie and/or get a pedicure with you! Love you two gorgeous girls...Birgit

  4. Judy and Rocky HafdahlJanuary 30, 2010 at 3:44 PM

    Hi Brian and Laura -
    Just wanted you to know that you are on our minds and we are sending all good thoughts your way. Give Millie a hug - and Griffin, too :)
