Sunday, January 3, 2010

1 Day, 2 Ice Cream Parlours

I had a feeling that today was going to be a good day.
We got the go-ahead yesterday to stop giving Millie Septra, as the doctor suspected that she may be allergic to this antibiotic (she has had an unbearable rash over the days we've given it to her). Sure enough, she did not wake me this morning in agony about the rash.
She woke up hungry. "I want food!" she wailed.

Oh, I could hear the angels singing as I started her off with yoghurt. As her appetite increased throughout the day, she ate some taco salad and eagerly went along as Granny and Grandad invited us to LaLa's Ice Cream Parlour for an afternoon treat. We did a little shopping after that, and she was full of energy- running around with her brother.

I should mention that her leg is not bothering her at all these days (admittedly, however, she has had very little upright time prior to today) and the tumor area is visibly reduced. Last week, her right calf looked quite swollen, like an eggplant, and now looks almost like the left. We were told the tumor would reduce after 1 treatment, but didn't expect this to be visible to the naked eye. (So, please explain why we have 13 more scheduled chemo stays in the hospital?)

Millie was already thinking about dinner on the way home from ice cream. She wanted to go to the Banyan Tree Restaurant- a Thai place that makes her favorite "chicken pops" (satay) and rice. We quickly rushed back out the door to get more food in her. She ate well- probably a cup of food, which is more than she has had in the last 3 days combined. After dinner, the lights of Baskin Robbins beckoned, and the kids got another (small) scoop of ice cream. Griffin chose lemon sorbet. He always chooses the untraditional flavors.

At bedtime tonight, after she had had her nightly injection and had her broviac tubes flushed, and her teeth brushed- she asked for another chicken pop.

I wish I had known this was a possibility- that we would get our Millie back if we just could make it through the days after chemo. I know it is temporary- and she may go back to lethargy if her blood counts go way down, and of course after our next hospital visit- but knowing that we can have some days like today over the next 9 months this journey a little more bearable.


  1. I am pressing the LIKE button. I love you Bell Way family.

  2. Yay! Yay! Yay! Good luck with the week ahead -- I'll be thinking healing restful thoughts your way!

  3. Reading this was a great way to start off my day! :-)

  4. all smiles. your blog is so moving

  5. oh yay. that is a heartwarming and encouraging vignette. xoxo

  6. Wonderful news! So happy to hear her appetite is back. Love the Gaw gang in Chicago.

  7. So glad to read all of the positive updates. And knowing Millie is getting all the ice cream she needs, puts a big smile on my face. ~ Jill

  8. Laura,

    You need 13 more scheduled chemo treatments because (as I understand it) each treatment only kills off cells undergoing division during the treatment. The bigger the tumor, the more cells are dividing and are killed. Each round kills fewer cells than the previous round. However, you don't dare stop until ALL of them have been killed. This kind of excessive information is what Dads are for.


