Friday, January 1, 2010

Helping Hands

We are so grateful for the multitude of calls, gifts, and offers of help we receive from our friends and relatives. I have plenty of knitting patterns now to keep me busy (my aunt in Ohio sent over a whole box of yarn!)and Millie has a store of books, games and art materials to get to when she feels better. We are also so appreciative of special help we've gotten for Griffin. He's had some adventerous bike rides and playdates with his friend Dylan and special days with grandparents.

We also have been contacted by the Carousel Fund in Petaluma (our friends Sandy and Stephanie let them know of our situation), with their commitment to help us get us through this time through financial and emotional support. You can learn more about them here- Susan Cohen, (who is a teacher at Grant School and remembes Millie from Kindergarten) called me today and was so kind, and told me that they are honored to help us, so that we can just focus on our family and getting our little girl well. The Carousel Fund is a wonderful local non-profit, and a great way to support us and families like us.

We also very much appreciate any of you taking the time to donate blood wherever you are. I never realized how many blood transfusions cancer patients need. Millie will probably need over 10 transfusions over the next year- and there are hundreds of kids like her all over the US that need that donated blood. I will definitely step up my donations, and never ignore another call from our local blood bank.


  1. LB - it's so great to hear that you are getting support from all sides. What blood type is Millie? Can people donate blood that can be directly used for her if a match?

  2. Millie is "Be Positive" -how appropriate! I will check in to the direct donor program. She'll be getting most of her transfusions at Santa Rosa Kaiser- and I need to find out which blood bank they use.

  3. Laura, let everyone know about the blood donation - Clive and I are happy to donate. xo hang in there my dear...
