Friday, July 30, 2010


As we get closer to the end of the chemotherapy treatment cycles for Millie, our new life looms in front of us, open and challenging with hints of freedom. In the last 8 months our lives have been turned upside down- with me being laid off, Brian working 6 days a week (abruptly after years of being a stay-at-home dad), and of course, this little change called Cancer. The topsy turvy ride of our employment situations seemed par for the course with all the other emotional cartwheels we've been experiencing- but now we see some stability with Millie in front of us: the kids return to school on August 16. Just weeks away. The reality of being through with treatment, back to school, but yet still in this career upheaval with the medical bills still streaming in gives cause to, um, freak out.

Which brings me back to gratitude- to gratefulness for so much when things seem so crazy. I am grateful that Millie is unbelievably strong. She has tackled this chemo while letting it tackle the cancer cells. She is my giggly girl for much of the time, ever snuggly and ever playing with her brother or her close friends. I am grateful for her brother and her friends, never expressing anything about her unusual appearance or limited energy. They accept her, play with her, and giggle alongside her. (And we always think of elementary kids as being so mean.)

And I am so grateful for the support of our community- the local, the virtual, and my industry.

On July 13, my industry organization (Site) combined with another organization I am active in (the Green Meetings Industry Council) and produced an event aboard a Hornblower cruise ship, (Hornblower donated the cruise!), to raise money for Millie's care. There were about 100 people in attendance, with me humbly in their midst. Wonderful food, wine, music, and a slient auction enlivened the atmosphere as I enjoyed chatting with so many supportive colleagues. A copy of the chapter newsletter with chapter president Carol Chorbajian's summary of the event is found here.

The big raffle item for the event was a 32gig iPad donated by the San Jose CVB. The winner, Doug Phillips of the Monterey Plaza Hotel (see my April post about our trip to Monterey which was made possible by Doug and my Site colleagues), gave his gift to me to take to Millie. (I can tell you here that by 9pm on July 13 Millie had figured out what an "app" is and how to ask Mama for her password to download.) All in all the event raised over $5,000 for the Carousel Fund and towards Millie's medical bills. Amazing. I am humbled and lifted.

We also are thrilled to see our dear friend Marie's card line launched, with a percentage of proceeds going directly to Millie's care. Check out for some examples of her beautiful work.

The support of our community, of you, has meant so very much to us. From a simple voicemail or email offering words of hope or love to these acts of magnanimous charity that lift us above the darkness- we are indebted, humbled, and wanting to reciprocate.


  1. We are all humbled by your strength and courage Miss Millie!!! Lots of love your way from the katz family and beyond....
    Jen, Andy, Ella & Sam

  2. Wow Laura ... very moving. All I can think is that the full depth of it all is probably well beyond any description you can provide. Even from afar it's all so very humbling and ... painful (frankly). All I can offer is the oomph of another soul pulling hard as hell for an increadible outcome and a life for Millie and you all that dwarfs all this. With love, Ed.B.
