Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Knowing how important the MRI and Biopsy were for us to start on the road to repair, we eagerly awaited the call from the Oakland Radiology group to schedule our appointment. Imagine our surprise when the dates offered were December 16 and "into January".

We honestly didn't think about struggling with beaurocracy on top of everything else. We were grateful for our friend who is an executive at Kaiser,who promised to help us get in sooner.

Luckily, a cancellation in San Francisco got us in on December 10. My parents were kind enough to drive me and Millie to SF early on that Thursday morning so that Brian could get Griffin off to school.

Millie was an absolutely perfect patient- from start to finish. She had to be anesthetized- but went down easily (the anesthesiologist said "this will be easy for her- but you, you need a drink").

The picture shows her waking up after the procedure. She was mostly concerned with the IV in her leg, and once that "tape" was off, she settled back with a popsical and a movie I had downloaded on my ipod. Later that afternoon, at home, she was playing with her brother like normal.

(Although she knows she is not supposed to "run, jump, or roughhouse", she still zooms around with very little complaint or limping.)

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