This time, I had no real time to start worrying as now it was Millie who carried all the fear. With her broviac removed, she now had to undergo scans using an IV...the dreaded needle poke. She was tearful and clingly, but eventually let the technician and nurse do their jobs. Just 20 minutes later we were back on the road towards lunch and a post-scan treat.
Last week Brian took Millie in for her monthly check with Dr. Sharma, who let him know that she would need no more pentamadine infusions nor quarterly bone scans. She felt the nuclear contrast of the bone scans were too risky to use so often in a case like Millie. We will just have an MRI of the tumor area in March, and no real other medical interventions.
Our nurse called this evening to let us know Millie's CT Scan was clear. This is great news, as the areas most likely for a metastis is the lungs. The area most likely for relapse is the original tumor site, so we'll keep an eye on the MRI and post with the results in March.